Presented by Volker Jansen, Technical Director of Zeutchel Gmbh, attendees were guided through why we need standards, the standards themselves from Metamorfoze, FADGI and ISO and finally a comparison in the tolerances from each standard and how this can be achieved.
Digitisation Standards
On the 4th April 2019, we hosted a unique, invitation-only event on the very latest in Digitisation Standards and Quality Management at The National Gallery, London.
Attendees at the conference included top imaging professionals from well-known digitisation and photographic institutions. Organisations such as The British Library, The Wellcome Trust, The National Archives and Bodleian Libraries joined us for what proved to be an eye-opening conference on the latest in Digitisation standards.

Digitisation Standards at The Bodleian Library – By John Barrett
The Bodleian has a team of five photographers, each with at least ten years of experience in the capture of library material. The Bodleian almost exclusively photograph with Phase One digital backs ranging from 39 to 100 million pixels. Our studio has a variety of medium and large format cameras and lenses, mounted either on conventional wall mounted copy stands or by specialist book cradles. Our books and manuscripts are, for the most part, supported by Grazer Conservation Copy Stands during photography. Digitally controlled studio flash units are used for all of our work. In this blog John Barrett – Imaging Services Photographer at The Bodleian Libraries discusses the digitisation guidelines they have implemented in order to establish a common set of image quality expectations between the Bodleian and its partner institutions.

Universal Test Target
The Universal Test Target (UTT) is a single test target which is designed to provide insight into the complete image quality of all types of high end cameras and scanners following the current ISO-standards.

Zeutschel OS QM-Tool
With its OS QM Tool, Zeutschel now offers software that makes it possible to analyze almost all relevant quality characteristics through the analysis of a single scan and to evaluate these on the basis of selectable standards – and all that in only a few seconds.